Crowd Estimation

Heavy Rainfall | Extreme Temperature | Excessive Dust | High Humidity

Enhance every camera with real-time AI insights and automated alerts, powered by intelligent video analytics. Streamline your operations and achieve peak efficiency by making informed decisions.


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Intelligent Local Inference Center

24x7 local storage, supercharged with on-edge Al processing up to 100 TOPS. Sets up in minutes, scales to number of cameras. Gain end-to-end video analytics by integrating validated software and cameras.

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Developer Friendly

Enjoy a user-friendly, no/low code design tool that empowers effortless adjustments to meet evolving needs, accessible from anywhere, at any time.

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Real-time Analysis

Edge AI allows for immediate processing of video data as it's generated. This enables real-time responses, such as identifying security threats, tracking objects, or controlling machinery, without the need for round-trip data transfer.

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Bandwidth Efficiency

Edge processing reduces the need for high-bandwidth connections to transmit video data to remote servers or the cloud. This can result in significant cost savings, especially in situations with limited network bandwidth.

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Deploy anywhere, moniter real time from anywhere

In environments with intermittent or unreliable network connectivity, embedded systems can continue to function autonomously, ensuring uninterrupted video analytics. Seeed's devices provide hybrite connectivity options.

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Cost-Efficiency for Scalability

Edge devices can be cost-effective at scale, as you can deploy additional devices as needed to handle increased processing demands. This allows for efficient scaling without incurring high infrastructure costs.

Solutions Using These Products

Wireless Environmental Monitoring for Harsh Conditions

Environmental monitoring is key for informed decision-making in sectors like agriculture, logistics, and warehouse management etc. Seeed aims to provide an evolving set of easy-to-deploy system,to ensure everyone can set up and obtain data in 3 steps with the flexibility to integrate them into the existing IT systems.

Questions?Ask us ANYTHING!

Ask about products, pricing, tech support, integration, customization, live demo, or anything else. We are here for you!