SenseCAP T1000 Tracker

a LoRaWAN® card size tracker for seamless INDOOR & OUTDOOR positioning.



Outdoor & Indoor Tracking


Cross-Regional Adaptability


Offline Data Storage


Temp, Light, Motion Sensors


Proof of Location


Months of Battery Life

SenseCAP T1000 is a compact LoRaWAN® tracker that utilizes GNSS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth for precise indoor & outdoor location tracking. It boasts self-geo-adaptive capabilities, local data storage, and an impressive months of battery life. Additionally, it is equipped with temperature, light, and motion sensors, making it ideal for a variety of location-based applications.

International Asset Tracing

Designed for global shipment. Miniature even for envelope post, light sensor to protect your goods from unwanted exposure and temperature data is collected for quality verification along the shipment

Search and Rescue

Motion sensor to detect anomaly, SOS button for emergency reporting and automatically switch to high-frequency data transmission

Equipment Monitoring

Not only locate your mobile valued assets, motion sensor is embedded to learn how it is being used so to optimize workflow

The Holistic Answers to "Where & How?"

" Where is /was it ?"

  • Equipped with GPS, WiFi & Bluetooth for seamless indoor and outdoor tracking, one device for all. 
  • Supports LoRaWAN® network which provides city grade coverage.  LoRaWAN® network is available in more than 160 countries, with continual expansion.

" How is /was it ?"

  • Temperature & light sensors are included to keep track of the environmental data on the go. For example, temp data can be used to inference the possibility if the food / vaccine goes bad. Light data shows if it is seen by unwanted eyes.
  • 3 axis accelerometer is added to record motion pattern, such sensor data can be used to detect collision, vibration etc.

A Self-Geo-Adaptive Locator to provide Trusted Position

Auto-Switching Frequency when Cross Regions

T1000 provides seamless global LoRaWAN® region switching, automatically adjusting to the appropriate LoRaWAN® frequency plan based on detected location coordinates, ensuring optimal performance across Europe, pan-America, and beyond.

Decentralized gateway network for location provenance

Helium’s decentralized network is built on a trust mechanism where every gateway shares its location, and Helium validates the authenticity of these locations. When using Helium with T1000, by cross-checking the gateway’s location, you can have a approximate location of T1000. This provides an additional layer of validation, increasing the data’s validity compared to other networks.

Tiny but Reliable & Strong

Long lasting battery and long range transmission

Powered by the LR1110 and featuring low power consumption, 5KM transmission range, IP65 waterproof protection, 863 – 928 MHz are supported.

Store data offline when out of connection

Capable of storing 1000+ records locally. It means that if the data sampling interval is set as 1 per hour, the storage capability is over 40 days.

It is easier with SenseCAP Mate APP, but also open to easily Integrates with your systems

Get Location in 4 easy steps. SenseCAP Mate APP and Cloud services are designed for fast configuration and data + device management.

System Architecture

T1000 comes in four versions: A, B, C, and D. T1000 A/B support regular GNSS positioning, while T1000 C/D support LoRa Cloud Geolocation Service.

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