Upgrade the monitoring system in Chicken farm for optimal productivity of livestock

Chicken farms are becoming massive in size, managing them effectively becomes increasingly challenging. 

You need a smarter way to manage them.By combining sensors, controllers, cameras, and algorithms, our solution provides real-time data collection, accurate analysis, and remote control to enhance the management of these large chicken farms.

 With our technology, farmers can easily monitor the health of their chickens, and ensure optimal environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity.

A Chicken Farm With a Automated Monitoring System

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What we provide

To understand how is / was the environment with a wireless monitoring system

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Heat leads to increased stress level and reduced egg production

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Bad air quality affect food intake

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Light affect birds' growth rhythms

A poor environment for chickens can lead to detrimental effects on their health, well-being, and productivity.
For instance, excessive heat can cause increased stress levels and reduced egg production, while high levels of CO2 and NH3 can lead to respiratory issues and negatively impact food intake. Additionally, the duration of light exposure can affect the birds’ circadian rhythms.

Continuous and frequent monitoring is essential to ensure the welfare of chickens and minimize mortality. And an automated control system enables timely action and highly reduct cost of lost.


1. Deploying and Maintaining Sensors at Scale is difficult

Many chicken farms still rely on wired sensors, which can be difficult to deploy and maintain, especially when trying to create a pervasive monitoring network. The complexity of extensive wiring throughout the barn and the need for many sensors for comprehensive coverage make wired sensors impractical.

2. Harsh Environment Affects Sensor Accuracy

Environmental factors such as dust, dirt, and humidity can impact sensor accuracy over time. Ensuring the sensor's structural design and build quality is suitable for the harsh conditions of the poultry farm is essential for long-term reliability and accuracy

Our Solutions

Wireless Environmental Monitoring for Harsh Conditions

Environmental monitoring is crucial for making informed decisions in fields such as agriculture and smart cities. Seeed's products are designed to be resilient and robust, providing reliable data in any circumstances.

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Automate welltune process to take timely action with an automated control system

Edge controller to manage the legacy system Intelligently

Edge controller and self-define threshold can be used to automate various aspects of farm management, such as adjusting ventilation, heating, or lighting systems based on real-time environmental data. This not only saves time and labor but also ensures that optimal conditions are maintained consistently.


1.Delayed Response to anomaly

Quick response to changes in environmental conditions is crucial in poultry farming. Manual systems might not respond in time to sudden changes in temperature, air quality, or disease outbreaks, any delay in response could lead to losses. For example, the ventilation system should be turned on promptly if the air quality is not up to standard. The same goes for detecting sickness; if there is abnormal behavior, an alert should be sent to take action immediately.

Therefore, it is crucial to have an automated system in place that can detect and respond to such situations promptly.

2.Increased Labor Costs

Quick response to changes in environmental conditions is crucial in poultry farming. Manual systems might not respond in time to sudden changes in temperature, air quality, or disease outbreaks, any delay in response could lead to losses. For example, the ventilation system should be turned on promptly if the air quality is not up to standard. The same goes for detecting sickness; if there is abnormal behavior, an alert should be sent to take action immediately.

Our Solutions

Automated Control System

Remotely monitor and control onsite devices precisely

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Product Packs Coming Soon

Detect early signs of anomaly with an symptom detection AI system

Early disease detection in chickens is critical for maintaining flock health. As poultry farms grow, manual inspections become difficult.
Automated inspections using IoT sensors and cameras continuously monitor chickens for AI-detected signs of illness, stress or injury.
Once spotted, farm workers are alerted to isolate sick birds and modify conditions, curbing outbreaks before they worsen.
Faster and earlier detection will reduce agricultural losses.

Maintaining precise inspections can be difficult with manual intervention

Manual inspections for early sickness in chickens can be inconsistent due to the subjective interpretation of symptoms by trained inspectors, which can lead to missed cases. The physically demanding work of inspecting large volumes of chickens can also cause fatigue, reducing attentiveness and accuracy.

Our Solutions

Symptom Detection AI System

We offer edge devices that serve as local inference centers, embedded with AI models, that can efficiently scale chicken inspections and detect early sickness, such as feather pecking and excessive sleep time.

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Product Packs Coming Soon

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Upgrade the monitoring system in Chicken farm for optim […]

